Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Does storing pictures on my notebook use profusely of memory?

i hold a lot of pictures save, if i save them to a disk and delete them from the workstation, will that increase the memory?

Does storing pictures on my notebook use profusely of memory?

It will increase the amount of hard disk space available if you hold a problem with a want of space on your hard disk.
yes and your computer will next start running slower, store them on floppy, it will free up your computer and make it run faster
Yes, it does use alot of memory but most computers immediately come with more memory than you'll be capable of use.
NO. They take up disk space not memory. You should pay for them up to disk anyway.
Pictures are saved on disk and not on memory. Erasing them free disk space but no memory.
the memory usage really depends on the trait of the picture. If its a high part picture it uses a lot more memory than a lower trait picture.

but typically, yes pictures & movies, etc do use up a lot of firm drive space
well first it depends on the sizes of the pictures...but its better to store'm on an external memory as a DVD or compact disc or even a floppy disk ( really low in size)

correct luck
no storing pictures uses hard disc space if you delete them you will bring some free memory on hdd.
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