Friday, September 17, 2010

Does anyone enjoy any suggestions for a microphone to use beside Windows Vista Speech Recognition?

I am curious as to whether or not anyone else have been using Vista Speech Recognition (sounds pretty cool to me, self able to dictate speech and adjectives that). If so, do you like it? If not, why? If you do find it adjectives, what is a good microphone (preferably 25 dollars or under) to attain for it, so that it minimizes mistakes?

Does anyone enjoy any suggestions for a microphone to use beside Windows Vista Speech Recognition?

You need to capture a USB Digital microphone. Check out the microphones at:

While it is possible to buy an Analog mic for less than 25 dollars, you will spend significantly more time correcting mistakes created by the lower part of the Analog mic. I would recommend spending the extra few dollars on a USB Microphone. It's not that much more money and it will save you profusely of time and frustration. find land for sale

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