Wednesday, September 15, 2010

does a dvd-rom on a computer burn dvds?

we hold a laptop with a combo of cd and dvd rom

does a dvd-rom on a computer burn dvds?

"ROM" scheme "read-only memory" therefore you cannot write to the disk near the drive; you can only read from the disk.
A DVD-ROM does not burn DVDs, you entail a DVD-R/RW drive...also called a DVD Burner.
No it can play any though. It has to be a DVD writer.
No it burns CDs and plays DVDs.

no you need a dvd-rw
ROM mechanism read only a consequence dvd rom will ONLY read dvd but not write.will also read audio cd,vcd,mp3 disk but cant write any,to write dvd you need dvd writer.
No, a dvd-ROM does not burn anything.

However (and this is where on earth truth_handler might be confusing the issue)

It is VERY common place for, vote, a computer to have a single drive that can READ dvds, READ cds, and WRITE cds.

Those are call "Combo Drives"

You'll see them listed as DVD/CD-RW

On your drive itself, you would see a logo for CD-RW

ALL computer base DVD Readers can read cd's

but not all computer base DVD readers can write cd's.

On a laptop, however, you can commonly seize a DVD burner for under $100 shipped US at the moment.
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